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Listing a New Product

Summary: Learn more about how to list a new product in your Creative Market shop.

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When you create a new single product, you’ll be taken to our Product Editor to get started. (For more information about uploading multiple products using our Bulk Editor, please see our Bulk Editor FAQ.) Each required field is marked with a small teal pencil icon. You can hover over this icon for more details about each field.


Adding a product category

Be sure you categorize your product correctly! We want to eliminate as much frustration as we can and provide the best customer experience possible. Here are some specifics to keep in mind for certain product categories:

  • Choosing the Fonts category will result in an alternative licensing price structure for your product, based on our licenses for Fonts. Please note that listing a product as a font will imply to customers that the product is installable, so make sure the font is provided as an installable OTF or TTF file. Graphic Alphabets or letter sets saved as EPS or AI are not fonts and should not be categorized in our Fonts category since they are not installable.
  • Choosing the Web Themes > Wordpress Themes Category/Subcategory will only result in one license price option, since our Wordpress themes are offered with the GPL 2.0 license.
  • If you’d like to list a 3D item and don’t see the 3D category available, you need to apply to open a 3D shop.
  • Choosing the Photos category will help your photo’s IPTC data auto-populate. You can learn more about how to set IPTC data in this help file.
  • If you're uploading a single photo, just drop the unzipped photo into the product files box, and a screenshot is automatically generated from the photo you upload. If you’d like to create a photo bundle, zip your photos together and upload your zip file to product files, then upload screenshots individually.
  • Read more about our Template subcategorization here.

Adding a product description

  • Make your listing clear and easy to understand.
  • Describe what items are included. You may find it beneficial to state what is not included also. (For example, some template products are often displayed in screenshots using a mockup. If you don't plan to include the mockup, make sure you state that the mockup is not included.)
  • Answer questions in your listing that you think your customers will ask.
  • Note software requirements (for example, "This product requires Adobe Illustrator CS4 and above" etc) in addition to filling out your "Compatible with" specification on the sidebar.
  • It might even be beneficial to state what software will not support your product as well (for example, "Sorry! This PSD is not supported by Photoshop Elements" etc).

Formatting your product description

We currently support Italic text, Bold text, Lists, and horizontal lines. To format your text in one of these ways, use this markdown:

Horizontal Line (divider)
Line of text before list.
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

Line of text before list.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

(To make a bullet list, you must start on an empty new line. Start each item on the list with an asterisk ‘*’ or a ‘-‘ followed by a blank space.)


Markdown Tips & Tricks

Can I have custom bullets for my lists?
Let's say you want the ☯ character for bullets in your list. You can fake the list style by finishing each of your line with 2 empty spaces. This in markdown means you want to force a new line.

Line of text before the list  (finished by 2 blanks)
☯ My item 1 (finished by 2 blanks)
☯ My item 2 (finished by 2 blanks)

Paragraphs and line breaks
Markdown will not consider a simple "enter" as an actual line break. This lets you add as many line breaks as you want when editing your description, but might not achieve the result you wanted.

However, 2 spaces after the last word in the paragraph, then enter, will force a line break.


To create a new paragraph, leave an empty line between 2 sections of text. To force a line break without having the spacing incurred by a new paragraph, finish your line with 2 or more blank spaces.


Can I control the spacing around a horizontal line?
Sorry! That's not possible.

Pricing your item

Once you’ve chosen your product’s category/subcategory, our product editor will display suggested prices automatically (unless you've already set them). The suggested price range takes an average price range from all products in the same category. Ultimately, we encourage you to price your item in a way that you feel fairly compensates you for your time, effort, and expertise. 


Adding a live preview

The following categories support live previews:

To add a live preview, just follow the steps below:

  1. Click Add New Product from your shop page
  2. Select any of the categories / subcategories listed above
  3. Click the drop down on right hand side of the screen for Add Property
  4. Select Preview URL and add a link that shows your product in action.
  5. Finish uploading the rest of the product and save your product for sale! The live preview will appear under your product’s main display.

Adding a video

You may use a video from Youtube or Vimeo as one of your displays! Just follow these steps to add a video preview that helps enhance your listing:

NOTE: Your video must be a public video. Sorry, unlisted or private videos will not work here!

  • Visit the video on YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Click “Share” below the video.
    • (YouTube) Copy the link that appears.
    • (Vimeo) A small modal will appear. Copy the link beside “Link” at the top.
  • In your new product listing, paste the link in the display field that says “Embed YouTube or Vimeo Video URL.”
  • The video will appear as one of your displays when you click elsewhere in your listing.
  • You can add another video by clicking “Add image”, then clicking Cancel.

NOTE: If you add a video, you must also include at least one static screenshot (e.g. a JPG or PNG screenshot) in order to save the product for sale. 

Uploading product files / Product file size limit

To upload product files in your new product, just click “Upload Product” in the top right corner. You’ll be able to choose a file on your computer that is 4 GB or less.

NOTE: Since we provide the license, you don’t have to include EULAs or license files - your customers will be able to view the license they specifically purchased, right after purchase. 

Additionally, if you’d like to upload multiple files, we recommend that you zip them together using .zip compression. The .zip format can be opened by tools built in on a Mac or PC. Other formats, like .rar or .7z, are not recommended for a couple of reasons:

  • It’s easy to create a .zip file with built-in system tools.
  • Your customers can easily open .zip files with system tools they already have on their Mac or PC; they don’t need to install special software.
  • Our product specs sidebar and “All Files” feature is helpful for customers as they determine whether or not they have the correct software to use your product. Our product editor can actually read inside your .zip file and give your customer a basic list of the files and formats inside. A .rar or .7z file will not allow our product editor to display a list of files in our product specifications sidebar. 

Here’s how to create a .zip file:


  • Select all of the files you’d like to .zip together. Hold SHIFT to select a list or CMD to select random items.
  • Right click on the selected item(s)
  • Click “Compress # items.”
  • A file called “” will be created. We recommend that you rename this file to clearly describe your product files.
  • Upload this .zip file to your new product!


  • Select all of the files you’d like to .zip together. Hold SHIFT to select a list or CTRL to select random items.
  • Right click on the selected item(s).
  • Click Send to, and then select Compressed (zipped) folder.
  • A new .zip file will be created. To rename it, right click the .zip file and select Rename, and then name the file to describe your product files.

Can I host large files on Dropbox or Google Drive?
If your product files fall within our 4GB Size Limit, we ask that you host the files directly on Creative Market. This will make managing your Creative Market products easier and provide a better experience for customers. 

Do you have an upload limit?
Creative Market allows our Shop Owners to create a maximum of 200,000 products.

Adding screenshots to your product

You can add up to 100 screenshots per product listing. To add a screenshot, just click “Add image” near the top center of the listing editor. Here are our requirements for screenshots:

  • Screenshots must be at least 910 x 607px and no more than 3640 x 10920px. We recommend at least 1820px wide X 1214 px tall for best results.
  • Screenshots should ideally be smaller than 5MB in file size for the best image loading speed
  • We accept .JPG, .PNG, or .GIF formats.
  • You must include at least 1 screenshot per listing besides any videos (e.g 1+ screenshot(s), or 1+ screenshot(s) + 1 video)

Screenshots that fall outside of the bounds above may generate an “Invalid signature error.”

Screenshots do not have to fall within the ratio above! You can create extra long displays, like this one, to show off your product features or optimize your product for Pinterest. You can do this by creating a tall image in Photoshop or Illustrator. Keep in mind that display images must be less than 5MB, and only the top portion of your screenshot will be displayed in our thumbnails across the site. However, the customers can check out your entire screenshot by clicking on the screenshot.

Reordering product screenshots

When you're editing your product, simply drag the thumbnails around to re-order them.


After you're done, save as a Draft or save as for sale.

Adding a watermark to your screenshots

While uploading or editing a product, hover over the current screenshot you have selected. You'll see a water drop icon in the top right corner. Clicking that will enable a watermark on your screenshot. 


Adding tags to your product

You can type tags in the tag field at the very bottom of the listing editor. These can be one at a time (hitting enter between tags) or separated by commas. Make sure you hit enter to apply them! You'll see your new tags appear at the bottom of the page after hitting enter.


Learn more about guidelines for Tags here.

Adding a photo’s focal point

If you’ve uploaded a photo in portrait format, you may set a focal point to show our product editor which portion of the photo you’d like to showcase in the main thumbnail. After uploading the photo as your product file, you’ll be able to see it displayed. In the center of the display, you’ll see a circular icon. This is our focal point tool, and you can drag it around to set your photo’s focal point.

Saving your product for sale

When you’ve filled out your listing completely, toggle the state to Live, then click Save all Changes at the far right. All of the required fields must be completed before you can save your product for sale.


Click Close to view your listed product. Congrats! You're done listing your product, and you can start promoting it.

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