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Do you review each item offered for sale?

Creative Market does not review each item offered for sale. We know that reviewing each product may lead to a frustrating experience for Shop Owners, so you’re free to add, update and change your product listings whenever you’d like without waiting on us to review your products or updates. Once your shop is open for business, and you've saved products for sale, your products will go live on Creative Market instantly.

Keep in mind that all of your products and actions on Creative Market help to build your seller reputation, which can play a big part in influencing your potential customers' purchase decisions. It’s important to focus on selling top quality products, providing great support, and earning positive recommendations from your customers!

Please see our Terms of Service and Shop Owner Guidelines for more information on what is allowed/not allowed on our site.

Common Questions

I just uploaded my product. Why is it not showing up?
Make sure you have set your product live! When all of your product's required fields have been completed, just set the product live, and save all changes. You can learn more about this here

Where is my product? It just disappeared!
If it seems your product has just vanished, it’s possible your product has violated something from our Terms of Service or our Shop Owner Guidelines. If you don't see an email from us with more information about this, please contact Support to check why the product is not showing up. 

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