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Buybox License Options - Shop Owner FAQ

The buybox on all product pages is where customers can view and select the license type as well as the number of seats they want to purchase. 


Why are the Commercial and Extended Commercial options only listed in the buybox?

Highlighting the Commercial and Extended Commercial License types in the buybox benefits both your shop and the customer by:

  • Motivating customers to select the recommended license that gives them the most flexibility and value 
  • Ensuring that your shop’s products will be used in the appropriate way and protected from misuse (i.e. end usage)
  • Potentially earning your shop more revenue 

The Personal License type is available for customers and can be accessed by clicking the “More Options” module. 

How can customers purchase a Personal License?

Customers can purchase the Personal License by following these steps:

On the product page, you’ll see the Commercial License and Extended Commercial License. Customers can click “More Options” to view the Personal License:


In the modal, customers can choose the Personal License and read a little more about what it allows. From here, they can add it to their cart:


Customers can also change the license to a Personal License when they’re inside the shopping cart:


What if the Personal License is the most appropriate license type for my product (i.e. Resume template, Procreate brushes, etc.)? 

If your product is intended for Personal License usage, customers can still view and select the Personal license type by clicking the “more options” module and following the above steps. 

Tip: If you wish to guide customers to the most appropriate license type in this case, an additional measure such as adding a note in your product description may help the customer understand the intended use cases and select the appropriate license type.

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