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Product Review Guidelines & Best-Practices

Summary: Learn more about our Review Guidelines and Best-Practices below to learn more about making your reviews count. Please check out these Review Guidelines prior to leaving a review; they will help ensure that your review is appropriate and relevant.

Product Review Guidelines and Best-Practices

Shop Owners love to hear feedback about their products, so if you've made a purchase, please consider leaving a review to help the Shop Owner make their product even better! We ask that you check out the following Guidelines and Best-Practices prior to leaving your review. Thanks for helping keep reviews constructive and professional!

Note: If you are experiencing a technical issue with the product you purchased, please contact the Shop Owner before leaving a review. 

 Review Guidelines

Please check out these Review Guidelines prior to leaving a review; they will help ensure that your review is appropriate and relevant. All reviews found to contain content prohibited by the Guidelines below may be removed by Creative Market staff.

Note: Sample reviews are for illustrative purposes only and should not influence your honest feedback of Creative Market purchased assets.

  • Your review should be relevant to the digital asset you purchased, or your experience with the asset itself. Your review should not focus on your experience with the larger Creative Market website or any download/payment issues you encounter. These factors are unrelated to the digital asset and are outside of the Shop Owner's control, and reviews like this will be removed. Please contact the Support Team if you're experiencing download issues or purchase issues, or have feedback about Creative Market. You can also review Creative Market on our social channels.


  • Your review should be professional and respectful. Honest constructive criticism is encouraged, but make sure you keep your expressions courteous. Abuse, name-calling, trolling, obscenities, harassment, or personal attacks will not be tolerated. Reviews should also abide by our Site Content Guidelines and Terms of Service.


  • Keep sensitive information private. Do not share the contents of private messages or emails in your review, and do not share sensitive information like email addresses or phone numbers.
  • Do not use your review to promote a product from another shop owner or website.
  • Do not use your review to encourage others to steal, pirate, or misuse the product. Such reviews will be removed immediately, and Creative Market reserves the right to close your account. 
  • Shilling or "Sock Puppetry" (purchasing your own product from another account to leave a review or artificially inflate your ratings) is strictly prohibited. Creative Market reserves the right to close accounts found to be doing this, or self-purchasing.
  • Purchasing your competitor’s product for the sole purpose of leaving them a bad review to drive down their ratings is strictly prohibited.

 Review Best-Practices

These aren't required, but will help you ensure your review is the most effective and useful for other customers and for the Shop Owner. 

  • Be detailed and helpful. Talk about your experience with the product. Mention specific things about the product that were useful to you, aspects of the product you liked or didn't like, or specific areas in which the product can be improved. Though not required, consider selecting the category-specific attributes about the product that you felt worked well. 
  • Don’t use reviews to request technical support. If you're experiencing difficulties using your purchase, please contact the seller directly before leaving a review. Most sellers want a chance to correct issues before they receive critical feedback. This will also give you an opportunity to rate the seller’s level of service, which makes your review more valuable to others! If you've been helped by the seller, consider leaving a comment in your review about your experience with them. 
  • Consider updating your review if a seller provides technical assistance. Did you leave a critical review on a product due to a lack of functionality or other unmet expectation? If the Shop Owner makes it right or updates the product to better meet your expectations, they'd appreciate an updated review! 
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