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Webfont Uses

Summary: This article describes uses for fonts embedded in your website’s code using @font-face. (If you’d like to read about using fonts in static web graphics, check out the Desktop Font Use article.) You can view the full terms of the Webfont License here. If you own a license for a font purchased under the legacy Standard License, please review this article.

This article covers the topics below:

Can I use a font on my website?

Yes; under the Webfont License, a font may be converted to a webfont and embedded in your website's code using @font-face technology.

Webfont use is not permitted in the Desktop, E-Pub, or App Font Licenses.

What if a font I'm looking for doesn't offer the Webfont license?

We’ve chosen to allow our sellers to opt in or out of offering the Webfont license. Some sellers may not be able to optimize their font for websites (such as OpenType SVG fonts, which aren’t widely supported on the web yet, or certain fonts that don’t offer an extensive character set), so offering the Webfont license wouldn’t make sense for them, or it would create a poor experience for our customers.

On how many websites may I use a licensed Font?

This is dependent on the number of pageviews you specify at checkout when you purchase a Webfont license. You may embed the font in the code of a number of websites, as long the specific number of pageviews you purchased is not exceeded.

If I use a webfont on my website, how many pageviews are allowed?

This depends on the number of pageviews you select at checkout when you purchase a Webfont License.


What if I need more pageviews?

If you need more pageviews in a font's webfont license, please purchase another license with an appropriate number of pageviews that will cover your intended use.

 When I purchase a Webfont License, do I receive separate font files than I would if I bought a Desktop License?

No matter which font license you purchase, you will receive the same set of files; product files are not differentiated by license at this time. The license you purchase determines the rights you are allowed. For example, if a font comes with OTF, TTF, and webfont files, and you purchase a Webfont license, you are only allowed to use the font in ways that are permitted under the Webfont License. If you purchase a Desktop License for that font, you may only use the font in ways permitted under the Desktop License, even though the font also comes with webfonts. 

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