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General Font FAQ

Summary: This article covers general FAQ about our Font Licenses. You can view the full terms of the current Font licenses here. If you own a license for a font purchased under the legacy Standard License, please review this article.

To learn more about our Font Licenses, click a topic below:

How many End Products can I sell? How many copies of each End Product may be sold?

  • Desktop Font License: You may sell an unlimited number of copies of unlimited End Products.
  • E-Pub License: You will specify the number of titles at checkout. This is the number of Title(s) (e.g. standalone publication(s)) you may create and sell. There is no quantity limit on the sales or distribution of those title(s).
  • App License: You may create and sell one (1) title. That title may be available for multiple device platforms (e.g. iOS and Android versions) and may be sold unlimited times. There is no quantity limit for the sale or distribution of the single licensed application.

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How does licensing work if I purchase a product containing a mix of graphics and fonts?

Many of our assets offer a mix of font and non-font products. Depending how these multi-category Assets are categorized, here is how licensing works:

  • Product is categorized as a Font and contains a mix of font and other non-font assets: Customers purchase the font license of their choosing (Desktop, Webfont, EPub, App) and the graphics/logo automatically come with a Commercial License.
  • Product is not categorized as a Font and contains a mix of font and other non-font assets: Customers purchase the regular license of their choosing (Personal, Commercial, Extended Commercial) and the font(s) automatically come with a Desktop License.

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Does Creative Market keep track of a website’s pageviews, number of titles, etc?

No, Creative Market does not keep track of your use of the font, including how many titles you make, pageviews your website has, etc. This is the responsibility of the person who purchased and agreed to the terms of the license.

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Can I install a font on a server for all of the people in my company to use?

No, storing a font on a server for all of your colleagues to use is prohibited. The only person who may have access to the licensed Font is the person who purchased the License. If you would like your colleagues to have access to the font, please purchase 1 seat for every person who will install the font on their computer.

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Will an App License also allow me to use the font in an E-Pub, website, AND desktop projects?

No; you should purchase a license based on your desired End Use. If you would like to use the font in all four end uses, please purchase all four licenses.

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Can I use a font in a design-on-demand app or site that my customers use to make their own printable cards, invitations, etc?

No, this is not permitted in any of our Font Licenses. Any use that allows anyone other than the Licensee (such as an end user) to customize a digital or physical end product using the Licensed Asset is prohibited, whether for Commercial use or Non-commercial use. This includes, but is not limited to, “print on demand”, “made to order”, or “download on demand” application.

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Can I add a font to the type library on a POD site that allows customers to use the font to generate their own content?

No, this is not permitted in any of our Font Licenses. Any use that allows anyone other than the Licensee (such as an end user) to customize a digital or physical end product using the Licensed Asset is prohibited, whether for Commercial use or Non-commercial use. This includes, but is not limited to, “print on demand”, “made to order”, or “download on demand” application.

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Can I digitize a font for embroidery machines and sell it?

No, this is not permitted in any of our Font Licenses. This would be considered sub-licensing a modified version of the font.

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Can I create Cricut templates from a font that I will sell (as a Cricut add-on unit)?

No, this is not permitted in any of our Font Licenses. This would be considered sub-licensing a modified version of the font.

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Can I embed/use a font that I purchase here in a theme or template that I sell?

No, this is not permitted in any of our Font Licenses. This would be considered redistributing the font. Making public or sharing the Licensed Asset in any way that allows others to download, extract, or redistribute Licensed Asset as a standalone file (meaning just the content file itself, separate from the project or end use that is expressly permitted) is strictly prohibited.

If you would like to embed a font in a finished E-Book (which would not allow your customers to edit content) please purchase an E-Pub Font License.

If I create a PDF to send to my book printer, what license do I need? Can I embed the font in the PDF?

If you are sending your printer a PDF with the object of creating and selling a physical, printed book, you would only need a Desktop License. Additionally, you may embed the font in the PDF to send to your printer, provided that your printer does not exploit the font for any unrelated End Use. You would only need an E-Pub Font License if you planned to create and distribute a PDF or other e-publication using that font. If you create a print version and an e-book version of your book, you would need both a Desktop License and an E-Pub License. 

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