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Desktop Font Uses

Summary: This article covers use cases for fonts in End Products for sale, social media, client work, etc. You can view the full terms of the license here. If you own a license for a font purchased under the legacy Standard License, please review this article.

This article covers the topics below:

Creating End Products for Sale


Client Work

Social Media & Advertisement


Company Use


Creating End Products for Sale

Can I use a font to create a pillow/t-shirt/mug/piece of stationery that I sell?

Under the Desktop License, this is permitted so long as you use multiple characters of the font, the font is rasterized in the End Product, and you do not redistribute the original font files in any way.

Can I rasterize fonts and include them in a scrapbook pack?

Under the Desktop License, this is permitted, so long as you create a design using multiple characters of the font. These designs must rasterize the font. Additionally, you may not redistribute the original font files in any way. You may not rasterize individual characters of the font and include them in your scrapbook pack as standalone items.

Can I make each letter of a font into a stamp and sell a set of stamps or individual stamps?

Under the Desktop License, you are not permitted to sell a stamp made from a single letter of a licensed Font, because individual characters of the Licensed Asset may not be used as a distinct item. However, you may use multiple characters of the font to create a stamp, such as a stamp that says “Hello.”

Can I use a font to create and sell a decorative physical letter, like a wooden block letter?

No, under the Desktop License, you are not permitted to sell a block out of a single letter, because individual characters of the Licensed Asset may not be used as a distinct item. However, you may use multiple characters of the font to create a wooden décor item, such as a wooden carved sign that says “Welcome.”

Can I make each letter of a font into a physical decorative item that I sell?

No, you are not permitted to sell an item made from a single letter of a licensed Font, because individual characters of the Licensed Asset may not be used as a distinct item. Under the Desktop License, you may use multiple characters of the font to create a physical decorative item that you sell, such as a wooden sign that says "Bon Appétit."

Can I use a font to create word art with no other elements?

Under the Desktop License, you may use multiple characters of the font to create word art that you sell, such as a digital clipart file of the word "Welcome." You are not permitted to sell word art made from a single letter of a licensed Font, because individual characters of the Licensed Asset may not be used as a distinct item.

Can I create and sell SVG cut files out of word art made from a font?

No. This use would be considered redistribution. All fonts must be rasterized in End Products for sale.

Can I create and publish a printed book made from a font?

Yes; you may use a font to create and publish printed book(s). There is no quantity limit on the sales or distribution of these printed publications.

Can I use a font to create a title or header for an e-book that I sell?

Yes, under the Desktop License you may use a font to create type in an e-book for sale, with no quantity limitations on sales or distribution for the e-book. However, keep in mind that all type must be rasterized (i.e. converted to a static format such as an image) before exporting the e-book. A font may not be embedded in your e-book under the Desktop License. For a license that allows this, please see our EPub Font License.

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Can I use a font in my new logo?

Yes, this is permitted under the Desktop License.

Can I trademark my logo with a font?

The licensed font may not be used as part of a trademark, service mark, design mark, trade-name, or similar use.

Can I use a font in my business cards that I hand out?

Yes, this is permitted with a Desktop License, provided that the actual font files are not redistributed in any way.

Can I use a font to create a branding package for my own business that includes a logo, website, brochures, and other brand collateral?

Yes, with a Desktop License, this is permitted. However, keep in mind that you may not embed the font on a website (to do this, please purchase a Webfont License.) You may, however, use the font to create static website graphics.

Can I use a font to create merch for my brand (like tee shirts, hats, mugs, etc) and sell those End Products?

Yes, with a Desktop License, this is permitted. There are no quantity limitations on End Product sales.

Can I use the same font in more than one brand?

Yes, with a Desktop License, you may use the font in unlimited brands / End Products.

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Client Work

Can I use a font to create custom physical wooden signs on demand for my clients?

Yes, this is permitted under the Desktop License, so long as you use multiple characters of the font to create the End Product. However, none of our licenses allow you to embed the font into a design-on-demand application that allows the client to customize and order their own design.

Can I use a font to create branding for my client projects?

Yes, with a Desktop License, this is permitted.

If I create a design for a client, may I give the licensed font to them to use?

With a Desktop License, this is permitted on a limited basis. You may provide your client with a copy of the font, but only if your client does not use the font for any project other than the End Product you created for them. For example, if you design a package for a client, the client may only use the font for that package (examples might include correcting an ingredients list on the package or adding/subtracting a letter on the package). The client may not use the font for any other End Use. If the client would like to continue to use the font for other projects, they should purchase their own license.

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Social Media & Advertisement

Can I use licensed fonts in my static social media posts? Can I post the same image to Facebook, Instagram, AND Twitter?

Yes, under the Desktop License, you may post static images that use the licensed Font on multiple platforms, under unlimited business or personal social media presences.

Can I use a font in multiple advertising projects?

Yes, this is permitted under the Desktop License, as long as the font is rasterized/used in static graphics. A licensed font may be used in unlimited physical or digital advertisements, with no limit on the number of impressions of social media posts or advertisements.

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Can I use a licensed font in a package design?

Yes, under the Desktop License, you may use the font in an unlimited number of Commercial or Non-commercial package designs.

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Company Use

Can I use a licensed font for all of my internal company presentations?

Yes, under the Desktop License, you may use the font in an unlimited number of internal company presentations. Keep in mind that each person who plans to install and use the font should purchase a license. None of our licenses allow you to store the font on a company server.

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Can I use licensed fonts in my online course?

If your online course uses only static graphics that implement the font (meaning that the font has been rasterized throughout the course’s graphics) a Desktop License would permit this.

If you plan to embed a font on your website that hosts the online course, please purchase a Webfont License.

If your course is offered an a downloadable app, an App License would allow you to use the font in the app’s UI (but not allow the student use of the font to customize an End Product.)

Can I use licensed fonts to create static graphics for a website?

Yes, with a Desktop License, you may create static graphics for your website. This means that the font should be rasterized/used in a flattened website graphic. If you would like to embed the font in your website’s code, please purchase a Webfont License.

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