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Syncing your Purchases to Dropbox

If you use Dropbox in your workflow, you might find our Dropbox integration useful! It automatically syncs products you purchase on Creative Market to a folder in your Dropbox account. 

How to Connect your Dropbox Account to your Creative Market Account

  1. Go to your profile Settings page here and click “Connect Dropbox” on the right-hand side of the screen.
  2. You’ll then be taken to the login page on After logging in, or if you're already logged in, click "Approve" when we ask to connect to your Dropbox account. 
  3. You’ll be taken back to your Creative Market profile Settings page. You should now see "Disconnect Dropbox" on the right hand side, which indicates you're already connected. (You can click this button at any time to disconnect the Dropbox connection.) 

Syncing Products to Dropbox

On your Purchases page, there's a Dropbox column on the far right. Products that are already synced show "Synced", and products that aren't synced yet will show a button that says "Sync." You can click this button to begin syncing your purchase to Dropbox.


Where to find products you've synced

To find product you have already synced, log into Dropbox and click Apps, then Creative Market. Inside, you’ll see all the products you’ve synced.



Q: What does the exclamation mark in the gray circle mean next to a product?
A: If a product fails to sync, hover over the exclamation mark and you’ll see the reason why the sync failed. Most commonly, this is because you’re using a free Dropbox account and have run out of storage space. In that case, you might consider upgrading to a paid account on Dropbox

Q: What if I accidentally deleted the Creative Market folder in my Dropbox account?
A: If you deleted the Creative Market folder in Dropbox, you'll need to reconnect your Dropbox account to Creative Market. Just follow the directions below that are provided for switching Dropbox accounts, even if you want to reconnect the same Dropbox account. 

Q: Do updates for products automatically sync?
A: No, products do not automatically resync when they are updated. However, here's a workaround: to sync the latest version of the file to Dropbox, just delete the old file from your Apps > Creative Market > Dropbox folder, then visit the product page and click "Sync to Dropbox."

How to switch the connected Dropbox account

If you’d like to switch the Dropbox account you use to sync your purchases, we recommend you follow these steps:

Disconnect your old Dropbox account:

  1. Log into your Creative Market account and visit your profile info.
  2. Click "Disconnect" by Dropbox. Your purchases will no longer sync to the old Dropbox account. 
  3. To completely remove permissions in your old Dropbox account, log into that Dropbox account.
  4. Visit Settings > Connected Apps > Scroll down to View Dropbox Content and click "Disconnect" under Creative Market. At this point this Dropbox account should now be completely disconnected from your Creative Market account.
  5. Completely log out of your old Dropbox account.

Sync your new Dropbox account:

  1. Go back to your Creative Market account and visit your profile info.
  2. Just click "Connect" beside Dropbox and follow the login process to connect your new Dropbox account.
  3. After Dropbox is connected to your CM account, you'll be able to sync your purchases by clicking the small Dropbox icon on the right side under the "Dropbox" column.

Still have an issue? Feel free to contact the Support team and let us help you solve the problem!

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