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Add-Ons - Use Cases

Summary: In this article, learn more about how our licenses allow you to use Add-ons (installable brushes, presets, etc).

To learn more about our Licenses, click a topic below:

Add-on Use Cases

How many times can I use a licensed Add-on? Can I use it in multiple End Products?

✅ Yes; special limitations apply for each license type:

  • Personal License: Use the add-on in an unlimited number of non-commercial end products.
  • Commercial License: Use the add-on in an unlimited number of non-commercial end products. You can also use the add-on in an end product for sale, as long as the sales do not exceed 5,000.
  • Extended Commercial License: Use the add-on in an unlimited number of non-commercial end products. You can also use the add-on in an end product for sale, as long as the sales do not exceed 250,000.

Can I use Lightroom presets on multiple photos that I sell?

✅ Yes; under the Commercial and Extended Commercial licenses, you may use the add-on in an unlimited number of commercial and non-commercial End Products. Special limitations apply:

  • Commercial License: Total End Product sales cannot exceed 5,000 copies
  • Extended Commercial License: Total End Product sales cannot exceed 250,000 copies

Can I use a sole add-on (such as a gradient or brush) to create stationery?

✅ Yes; special limitations apply:

  • Personal License: You may use an add-on to create stationery for non-commercial use only
  • Commercial License: You may use the add-on in an unlimited number of commercial and non-commercial End Products. Total End Product sales cannot exceed 5,000 copies
  • Extended Commercial License: You may use the add-on in an unlimited number of commercial and non-commercial End Products. Total End Product sales cannot exceed 250,000 copies

Can I use vector shape Add-ons to create product tags?

✅ Yes; special limitations apply:

  • Personal License: You may use an add-on to create tags or labels for non-commercial use only
  • Commercial License: You may use the add-on in an unlimited number of commercial and non-commercial tags. Total End Product sales cannot exceed 5,000 copies
  • Extended Commercial License: You may use the add-on in an unlimited number of commercial and non-commercial tags. Total End Product sales cannot exceed 250,000 copies

Can I purchase a preset pack and bundle one of those presets in my own pack for sale?

❌ No; this would be considered redistribution and would not be permitted.

Can I use an add-on for a theme I am going sell? Can I include it in the files?

❌ No; this would be considered redistribution and would not be permitted.

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