Many Creative Market products include a variety or collection of many graphics, which we call a "bundle" or "pack." Here's how our licenses work when you purchase a bundle or pack of graphics:
How many End Products can I sell with a Commercial License?
You can create up to 5,000 End Products with a Commercial License, which may be sold up to 5,000 total times. This applies to any End Product(s) you create using any element from the pack (it does not apply per element of the pack). You can use as many elements from a bundle or pack to create your End Product(s). Here is a sample breakdown of how many End Products may be sold incorporating element(s) from the pack:
- # End Products: 5,000 (You may sell 1 copy of each End Product) = 5,000 Total End Products
- # End Products: 500 (If divided evenly, you may sell 10 copies of each End Product. Alternatively, you can sell many copies of one End Product, and fewer copies of the rest of the End Products, provided that the total number of End Products is less than or equal to 5,000) = 5,000 Total End Products
- # End Products: 1 (You may sell 5,000 copies of the End Product) = 5,000 Total End Products
- Etc
You can read more about quantity limitations in the Commercial License terms, section 4.
How many End Product can I sell with an Extended Commercial License?
You can create up to 250,000 End Products with a Commercial License, which may be sold up to 250,000 total times. This applies to any End Product(s) you create using any element from the pack (it does not apply per element of the pack). You can use as many elements from a bundle or pack to create your End Product(s). Here is a sample breakdown of how many End Products may be sold incorporating element(s) from the pack:
- # End Products: 250,000 (You may sell 1 copy of each End Product) = 250,000 Total End Products
- # End Products: 5000 (If divided evenly, you may sell 50 copies of each End Product. Alternatively, you can sell many copies of one End Product, and fewer copies of the rest of the End Products, provided that the total number of End Products is less than or equal to 250,000) = 250,000 Total End Products
- # End Products: 1 (You may sell 250,000 copies of the End Product) = 250,000 Total End Products
- Example: if I purchase a flower bundle, I can use each flower on different end products for sale. I can sell 1000 red flower bags, 3000 blue flower towels, and 1000 yellow flower hats for a total of 5,000 combined individual end products with a Commercial license.
You can read more about quantity limitations in the Extended Commercial License terms, section 4.