Hooray! You have a promo code, and you're ready to save on your next purchase. Check out this page to enter the promo code and save it to your account.
To apply your promo code, you need to click on the "Apply Discount" button on the promo page. Please make sure you are logged into your account to ensure the code is applied to your account.
Once the code is applied to your account, you'll get a confirmation. After that, it's ready to be applied to a purchase!
NOTE: Promo codes can be only applied to a single item and are not valid on credits packages. If you'd like to use your promo code in a shopping cart purchase, it will be automatically applied to one seat of the highest-valued license in your cart. Promo codes typically expired if not used within 1 week, but be sure you review the specific terms of the promo code you receive.
Using a Promo on a Single Item
Any coupon you have saved on your account will appear when you click "Buy Now" on a product page. When you're on our checkout page, you'll see something like this:
The promo code will be automatically applied once you hit the Finish Purchase button. If you'd like to save your promo code for later, just uncheck the box.
Using a Promo Code in the Shopping Cart
Any coupons you have saved on your account will appear in your cart when you click "Continue to Checkout." In a shopping cart purchase, your coupon will be automatically applied to one seat of the highest-valued license in the cart. When you're on our checkout page, you'll see something like this:
The promo code will be automatically applied once you hit the Finish Purchase button. Again, you can also uncheck the box beside the promo code to save it for later.
Common Issues & Questions
Q: Help, my promo code didn't apply!
A: Sorry about that! Please contact us here and let us know. We'd be happy to help fix the issue.
Q: I have a code but I don't know where to enter it!
A: Most of our promo codes are delivered via email, which provides a button to click that will apply your promo code and allow you to claim your discount. However, if that's not the case for some reason, you can enter the code here. Be sure to click "Apply Discount" to add it to your account.
Q: I want to save the promo code for later. Is that possible?
A: Yes! When you're checking out in our single purchase interface or our shopping cart, right before you're billed, you'll see the coupon code. You can uncheck the box next to your discount if you don't want to use it immediately. Please note that most promo codes have expiration dates, so don't wait too long to use it!
Q: I want to use 2 promo codes on 1 purchase. How can I do that?
A: Sorry, promo codes cannot be stacked. You can only use 1 promo code per order. If you already have a promo code applied to your account, you can visit this page to learn more details about that promo and when it expires. Redeeming a new code will remove any current promo code on your account.
Q: I want to use a promo code on more than one purchase. How can I do that?
A: Promo codes may only be redeemed during a single purchase. Once you use a promo code on a product purchase, you cannot use it on another product purchase.
Q: I want to use a promo code on a credits package. How can I do that?
A: Sorry, promo code cannot be used on credits packages.
Q: Can I use a coupon on my entire shopping cart purchase?
A: No; a Creative Market promo code cannot be applied to the total amount in your shopping cart. Rather, promo codes may only be used on one license in your shopping cart. If you have a coupon on your account, our system will apply it to one seat of the highest-valued license in your cart.